5 Things To Store In Your Bedside Drawer
If you're like most people, your bedroom is the place where you do lots of different tasks for a good part of the day. As such, it's not usually a space that anyone would think about as being particularly accessible - your wardrobe is more likely to be outfitted with hangers and drawers for quick access. However, there is one place where you do need to store some items in order to have access to them in high quantity (aka not during work hours): your bedside drawers ! In here are items like makeup, smartphones, medicine, and more - so be sure to load Things to Store in Your Bedside Drawer 1. Medicine 2. Toothbrush and toothpaste 3. Glasses and contacts 4. EpiPen or other emergency medication 5. Medicines for frequent illnesses What Cleaning Products Are Best For Your Drawer? When it comes to cleaning your bedroom, you might be wondering what products are best for the task. Here are a few ideas to get you started: -Empty the trash every day. This will help keep your bedro...